Steven Kleinman: National Security Interrogations: Myth v. Reality

June 20, 2011

The Third Way
By: Steven Kleinman


Following the death of Osama bin Laden and misunderstandings surrounding the role harsh interrogations played in leading to his hideout, Steven Kleinman, The Soufan Group‘s Senior Advisor and Strategist of the National Security Programs, was asked by The Third Way, to write a paper explaining how succcessul interrogations work.


In it veteran interrogator Kleinman explains:

What interrogation actually is (and why Jack Bauer-style fictional portrayals muddy the waters); how coercive practices actually undermine interrogators’ long-term goals; and why experienced interrogators know that rapport-building is the most effective means to mine valuable information from detainees…


To download the paper please click on the following link below: National Security Interrogations: Myth v. Reality

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